Friday, March 30, 2012

Newbie Question on searching text

I have a bulletin board application (written by a programmer) and want to
allow users to search the database for keywords/phrases. Doing a basic
search eats up the cpu like crazy, and I know there are some strategies on
how to get this done right.
Can someone provide me with an overview of how best to go about this? If
there are good articles/tutorials on this I'd greatly appreciate it also.
Btw, I'm running MS SQL server 2000 running dotnet.
A good place to start to understand SQL Server 2000 Full-text Search (FTS)
is Books Online (BOL) titles: "Full-Text Query Architecture", "Maintaining
Full-Text Indexes", "Using the CONTAINSTABLE and FREETEXTTABLE Rowset-valued
Functions" and especially "Full-Text Search Recommendations". You can also
search the BOL using "full text" (include the double quotes) via the BOL
Search tab for additional titles.
When you state that your "basic search" eats up CPU like crazy, are you
currently using FTS or are you using T-SQL LIKE or some other method? I've
also attached a SQL script file (Full Text Population Example.sql) that
demonstrates all aspects of using SQL FTS on the pubs database table
If you have additional questions, please post them.
"Shabam" <> wrote in message
> I have a bulletin board application (written by a programmer) and want to
> allow users to search the database for keywords/phrases. Doing a basic
> search eats up the cpu like crazy, and I know there are some strategies on
> how to get this done right.
> Can someone provide me with an overview of how best to go about this? If
> there are good articles/tutorials on this I'd greatly appreciate it also.
> Btw, I'm running MS SQL server 2000 running dotnet.
begin 666 Full Text Population Example.sql
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|||can you post your query here?
Also is this an English language search?
Hilary Cotter
Looking for a SQL Server replication book?
"Shabam" <> wrote in message
> I have a bulletin board application (written by a programmer) and want to
> allow users to search the database for keywords/phrases. Doing a basic
> search eats up the cpu like crazy, and I know there are some strategies on
> how to get this done right.
> Can someone provide me with an overview of how best to go about this? If
> there are good articles/tutorials on this I'd greatly appreciate it also.
> Btw, I'm running MS SQL server 2000 running dotnet.

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