First time here.
Have just installed a 120-day evaluation copy of MSSQL 2000.
In the 'blur' and confusion of installing this on my WinXP Laptop, I
forgot to record the password.
Finally, I got into the 'logins' tab on the Enterprise Manager, and
modified the 'sa' password to 'ivlem1', and I think it was recorded
I tried to test my installation with the following at the Command
osql /Usa /P ivlem1
It failed saying I wasn't 'Trusted'
I would appreciate any help offered !
-Mel SmithDid you select "mixed" mode for authentication. I would test this up QA and use your SA account/passwd to account.
There are too many things that could go wrong with establishing a
connection using osql.
MJKulangara|||Mel Smith ( writes:
> Have just installed a 120-day evaluation copy of MSSQL 2000.
> In the 'blur' and confusion of installing this on my WinXP Laptop, I
> forgot to record the password.
> Finally, I got into the 'logins' tab on the Enterprise Manager, and
> modified the 'sa' password to 'ivlem1', and I think it was recorded
> properly.
> I tried to test my installation with the following at the Command
> Prompt:
> osql /Usa /P ivlem1
> It failed saying I wasn't 'Trusted'
SQL Server have to means of authentication: Windows authentication (a.k.a
Integrated Security or Trusted Connection) and SQL Server authentication.
Windows authentication is always there, SQL authentication is optional,
and usually referred to as "mixed mode".
Windows authentcation means that you log into SQL Server with your
Windows credentials. This is very simple, you just say "osql /E" and
you are on the air. No need for password, as you are already logged
into Windows.
By default, only Windows authentication is enabled. This is because
SQL Server authentication is less secure. However, many enable
SQL authentiation for various reasons. For instance, if you are a
developer you may work with Windows authentication as long as you
develop and have sysadmin rights. But when you need to test, you
want a low-priv user, and testing different users is much easier
with SQL authentication.
You can change authentication mode from Enterprise Manager. Right-
click the server, select Properties, and then use the Security tab.
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at
Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at|||Erland and MJK,
Thank you both for your advice !
I tried "osql /E" and it worked ! (i.e., I got correct correct results
for the two queries: select @.@.servername and select @.@.version)
(now I'm going to go blind reading all there is on Books Online to get
myself up to speed )
btw, I'm fairly expert in xBase databases (my job is tech support for a
structural steel company that uses my software, but is now moving to MSSQL)
and I have to show that I'm up to the task to help them make that move. In
fact, they have purchased AccPac for Windows, and have installed MSSQL 2000.
But I'm at a remote location from the headquarters of this company and must
get used to MSSQL all by myself in the 'sunny south'.
Thanks again.
-Mel Smith
Mesa, Arizona, USA
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